Fingerprinting Services
You must be a resident of North Vancouver to obtain fingerprints from the North Vancouver RCMP. If you do not reside in North Vancouver you must attend the police office in your home community.
- The North Vancouver RCMP offers digital and ink fingerprinting services at the Front Counter of the main Detachment. No appointment is necessary.
Fingerprinting services are provided Monday to Friday, 9:00am – 5:00pm only.
You will be required to provide documentation which clearly indicates your need to obtain fingerprints.
You will need two separate pieces of government issued identification (one photo ID) and proof of your current address in North Vancouver. Please note: BC Care Cards and Social Insurance Cards are no longer forms of ID and will not be accepted. The new BC Services Card is acceptable but must be separate to your Driver’s License.
The fee for fingerprinting is $58.70 and is payable by cash, Interac, Visa or MasterCard.
Please check Processing times and fees to determine if you will be required to pay the additional $25 federal processing fee.
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