Second Quarter Crime Stat Report 2024

Second Quarter Crime Stat Report 2024


Recorded Offences Q2 2024 Recorded Offences Q2 2023 % Change Q2 2023 - Q2 2024
D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 TOTAL D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 TOTAL D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 TOTAL
Homicide 0 0 2 1 1 4 2 1 1 0 0 4 -100% -100% 100% N/C N/C 0%
Violent Crimes 478 330 489 171 132 1607 565 382 483 175 121 1747 -15% -14% 1% -2% 9% -8%
Attempted Murder 0 0 2 0 1 3 0 1 2 0 0 3 N/C -100% 0% N/C N/C 0%
Robbery 40 16 21 7 10 94 44 21 10 2 5 82 -9% -24% 110% 250% 100% 15%
Sexual Offences 32 36 34 18 10 136 40 44 27 15 6 138 -20% -18% 26% 20% 67% -1%
Assault 248 163 231 68 57 767 297 181 257 72 43 851 -16% -10% -10% -6% 33% -10%
Forcible Confinement / Kidnapping / Abduction 5 3 5 0 2 15 10 4 4 0 1 19 -50% -25% 25% N/C 100% -21%
Property Crimes 1320 1146 1242 508 755 5013 1304 1241 1344 473 726 5167 1% -8% -8% 7% 4% -3%
Business B&E 26 23 18 21 19 107 30 24 31 8 31 124 -13% -4% -42% 163% -39% -14%
Residential B&E 29 27 18 21 47 142 34 25 26 11 38 134 -15% 8% -31% 91% 24% 6%
Total B&E (All) 73 65 46 46 79 309 68 59 64 24 80 295 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Theft Motor Vehicle 53 62 46 36 36 233 57 47 63 32 42 242 -7% 32% -27% 13% -14% -4%
Theft From Vehicle 197 248 193 104 126 882 231 249 281 125 167 1069 -15% 0% -31% -17% -25% -17%
Theft Over 5000 9 7 4 2 7 29 7 4 7 6 11 35 29% 75% -43% -67% -36% -17%
Theft Under 5000 280 195 177 74 129 861 278 191 197 66 103 847 1% 2% -10% 12% 25% 2%
Shoplifting 255 216 289 42 144 946 208 331 242 28 92 902 23% -35% 19% 50% 57% 5%
Stolen Property 10 7 6 3 3 29 7 6 13 2 4 32 43% 17% -54% 50% -25% -9%
Fraud (Total) 208 198 262 77 104 869 197 169 218 84 95 809 6% 17% 20% -8% 9% 7%
Identity Theft/Fraud 8 11 9 7 5 42 17 17 14 7 7 62 -53% -35% -36% 0% -29% -33%
Arson 6 4 7 8 4 29 25 5 19 5 9 63 -76% -20% -63% 60% -50% -54%
Mischief 220 139 207 117 114 799 221 176 233 98 118 849 0% -21% -11% 19% -3% -6%
Other CC Offences 918 410 521 179 231 2287 1234 675 763 225 313 3250 -26% -39% -32% -20% -26% 30%
Offensive Weapons 28 24 19 5 8 84 34 19 27 15 4 99 -18% 26% -30% -67% 100% -15%
Cause a Disturbance 757 285 402 137 180 1761 1055 529 589 152 260 2586 -28% -46% -32% -10% -31% -32%
Breach/Bail Violations 74 48 51 23 15 211 54 56 65 24 33 232 37% -14% -22% -4% -55% -9%
TOTAL CC 2716 1886 2252 858 1118 8907 3103 2298 2590 873 1160 10164 -12% -18% -13% -2% -4% -12%
Possession 7 11 6 7 4 35 22 14 8 10 4 58 -68% -21% -25% -30% 0% -40%
Trafficking 6 8 4 8 1 27 27 8 17 4 4 60 -78% 0% -76% 100% -75% -55%
Production 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 N/C N/C N/C N/C -100% 0%
TOTAL CDSA 15 20 13 15 5 68 49 23 27 15 9 123 -69% -13% -52% 0% -44% -45%
Second Quarter Year to Date (YTD) Crime Stat Report 2023


Recorded Offences Q1-Q2 2024 Recorded Offences Q1-Q2 2023 % Change Q1-Q2 2023 - Q1-Q2 2024
D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 TOTAL D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 TOTAL D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 TOTAL
Homicide 1 0 2 1 1 5 2 3 1 0 1 7 -50% -100% 100% N/C 0% -29%
Violent Crimes 936 609 908 337 289 3096 1056 666 942 313 264 3275 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Attempted Murder 0 0 3 0 1 4 0 1 4 0 0 5 N/C -100% -25% N/C N/C -20%
Robbery 63 40 33 11 16 163 75 37 25 6 10 154 -16% 8% 32% 83% 60% 6%
Sexual Offences 68 60 62 31 32 265 75 70 57 20 21 253 -9% -14% 9% 55% 52% 5%
Assault 494 298 436 151 128 1508 560 318 490 135 100 1607 -12% -6% -11% 12% 28% -6%
Forcible Confinement / Kidnapping / Abduction 11 6 9 0 3 29 14 8 7 1 4 34 -21% -25% 29% -100% -25% -15%
Property Crimes 2446 2128 2471 1014 1395 9550 2580 2433 2587 1111 1447 10294 -5% -13% -4% -9% -4% -7%
Business B&E 53 41 56 45 43 238 61 57 48 35 57 258 -13% -28% 17% 29% -25% -8%
Residential B&E 47 63 39 39 74 262 77 51 49 35 71 283 -39% 24% -20% 11% 4% -7%
Total B&E (All) 136 130 114 95 138 613 163 131 113 79 144 630 -17% -1% 1% 20% -4% -3%
Theft Motor Vehicle 109 111 99 79 59 457 122 113 134 83 72 526 -11% -2% -26% -5% -18% -13%
Theft From Vehicle 331 438 374 210 225 1613 461 518 591 331 346 2277 -28% -15% -37% -37% -35% -29%
Theft Over 5000 16 13 9 4 10 52 15 11 14 7 15 62 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Theft Under 5000 548 359 364 153 221 1658 546 381 379 141 206 1673 0% -6% -4% 9% 7% -1%
Shoplifting 448 450 583 78 284 1843 362 550 414 58 197 1582 24% -18% 41% 34% 44% 16%
Stolen Property 25 12 12 10 8 67 28 15 28 9 14 94 -11% -20% -57% 11% -43% -29%
Fraud (Total) 385 349 494 177 242 1691 388 352 447 167 195 1623 -1% -1% 11% 6% 24% 4%
Identity Theft/Fraud 17 17 23 16 9 86 28 32 28 14 14 120 -39% -47% -18% 14% -36% -28%
Arson 18 8 17 13 6 62 39 12 27 7 15 100 -54% -33% -37% 86% -60% -38%
Mischief 414 250 397 195 187 1447 444 337 425 223 233 1670 -7% -26% -7% -13% -20% -13%
Other CC Offences 1657 766 914 344 401 4170 2465 1327 1481 481 678 6511 -33% -42% -38% -28% -41% -36%
Offensive Weapons 54 47 41 13 16 171 70 45 57 29 12 213 -23% 4% -28% -55% 33% -20%
Cause a Disturbance 1333 537 665 239 290 3064 2097 1031 1143 330 554 5156 -36% -48% -42% -28% -48% -41%
Breach/Bail Violations 130 89 96 47 45 407 122 112 127 54 57 473 7% -21% -24% -13% -21% -14%
TOTAL CC 5039 3503 4293 1695 2085 16816 6101 4426 5010 1905 2389 20080 -17% -21% -14% -11% -13% -16%
Possession 20 17 10 12 6 65 41 20 20 25 12 118 -51% -15% -50% -52% -50% -45%
Trafficking 14 14 16 11 5 60 45 22 34 10 6 118 -69% -36% -53% 10% -17% -49%
Production 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 N/C N/C N/C N/C -100% 0%
TOTAL CDSA36 32 30 23 13 134 88 43 60 37 19 248 -59% -26% -50% -38% -32% 0-46%

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