Metal guard rail stolen from overpass above busy Highway 19 in Qualicum Bay


2024-05-16 09:27 HAP

Dossier nº 2024-4403

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Cochrane Road overpass with missing guard rail

View larger image: Cochrane Road overpass with missing guard rail


Cochrane Road overpass with missing guard rail

View larger image: Cochrane Road overpass with missing guard rail

A large section of metal guard rail was stolen from the Cochrane Road overpass at Highway 19 this week.

Sometime between the afternoon of May 14 and the afternoon of May 15, approximately 40 feet of metal guard rail was removed from the west side of the Cochrane Road overpass which passes over Highway 19 in Qualicum Bay.  Another 40 foot section of guard rail had been prepared to also be stolen from the overpass and was resting in place, unbolted, on stanchions.

The potential for a fatal crash was extremely high had the unbolted guard rail fallen from the overpass and landed on the highway or a moving vehicle below, says Sergeant Shane Worth of the Oceanside RCMP. Fortunately, police were quickly alerted to the incident and repairs were made right away by highway crews.

If anyone has any information about who may have removed the guard rail or know of where it may be are asked to contact the Oceanside RCMP at (250) 248-6111 quoting file # 2024-4403.

Diffusé par :

Serg. Shane Worth
Agent des relations avec les médias
GRC de l'Oceanside
421, rue Pym Nord, Parksville (C.-B.) V9P 1B9
Bureau : 250-947-6537

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Site Web : (en anglais seulement)

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