Lillooet-Lytton RCMP February 11 to February 29 2024, Calls for service: 150


2024-03-01 18:40 HNP

Under the Official Languages Act, this office provides services to the public in English only. You will find general information in both official languages at and

Aux termes de la Loi sur les langues officielles, ce bureau n'offre des services au public qu'en anglais. Vous trouverez des renseignements généraux dans les deux langues officielles au et

Assault with weapon


On February 11, 2024 a caller reported and said he was assaulted with a pipe by another man in the suspects back yard in Lillooet. Lillooet RCMP members met with and spoke with the caller, he had no injuries. There were 2 other witnesses with him. Police obtained a statement from the caller and 1 of the witnesses who did not see the incident/offence occur. The other witness refused to provide a statement. Police spoke with the suspect who claimed the caller was the aggressor and had tried to assault him. The suspect also had a friend present who claimed the same. They both did not provide statements to police. There was no injuries, nor any independent evidence to support criminal charges, all parties were cautioned and advised to stay away from one another. There were no further issues. 

Motor vehicle collision


On February 12, 2024 police received a call of a single vehicle collision on Texas Creek road, the vehicle had flipped on its roof. A Lillooet RCMP member and Stl’atl’imx Tribal police members attended. The driver and sole occupant was taken to the hospital with some injuries. The road was extremely icy and slippery, the driver lost control on a downhill turn and his vehicle went into the hillside before rolling onto its roof. Dawson Road Maintenance attended to deal with the ice and road conditions.  

Break and enter


On February 13, 2024 a caller reported a break in to a seacan in Lytton in the Kanaka Bar area. There was also a smashed window to a truck located on site. A Lytton RCMP member attended and investigated the scene. Near by video surveillance cameras were looked at as well. Anyone with information regarding this incident is asked to contact Lillooet-Lytton RCMP, please reference Lillooet-Lytton RCMP file 2024-246.



On February 13, 2024 a caller in Lillooet reported her safe that was inside her residence was broken into. $5100 was stolen from the safe. The incident is still under investigation.

Drive while impaired


On February 19, 2024 a Lillooet RCMP member was dispatched to a do a check well being on a man seen parked on the shoulder of Hwy 99 South, in a brown sedan, while passed out behind the wheel. The RCMP member observed empty liquor cans in the vehicle, the driver subsequently produced a fail result on an approved screening device (ASD) for alcohol above the legal limit in his system. He was immediately prohibited from driving for 90 days and his vehicle was impounded. The matter was referred to ICBC.

Mental Health Act


On February 19, 2024 a caller in Lytton reported his mother was inside his house crying, yelling, and verbally abusing his sister. RCMP members attended the residence and spoke with the woman who then locked herself inside the residence and called 911 advising a girl was there trying to shoot her. The woman later stated she was going to shoot police, bear spray or attack police. After lengthy attempts negotiating with the woman the door was forced open and she was apprehended under the Mental Health Act and taken to a hospital for further mental health assessments/care.



On February 24, 2024 a caller in Lytton reported her neighbours were intoxicated and playing loud music in the early hours of the morning. A Lytton RCMP member attended and spoke to the people inside the house who turned down the music. The music later started playing again after police left. Lytton First Nations Band was advised of the Bylaw concerns and were to deal with the noise concerns going forward with the residents directly. 

Assault with weapon


On February 26, 2024 Lillooet Hospital staff reported a man had attended the hospital with a stab wound. A Lillooet RCMP member attended and spoke with the man who provided police a statement advising he was stabbed by another man. The suspect was located and arrested, he was held in custody for a bail hearing, he was subsequently remanded (to be further held in custody) until his next court date in April.



On February 28, 2024 a man reported a road rage incident he was involved in on Hwy 1 near Lytton, he and another man got into a physical altercation. The other man involved was spoken to, he advised that the initial caller had got out of his semi truck and came to him and punched him in the face, he did not retaliate or hit him back. The file is still under investigation, charges for Assault will be recommended to the BC Prosecution Service.

Pictured is an RCMP vehicle in front of Mt Brew during sunset.

Pictured is an RCMP vehicle in front of Mt. Brew during sunset.

Diffusé par :

Gend. Balraj Saran
Agent des relations avec les médias
GRC de Lillooet-Lytton
317 rue Main, Lillooet BC, V0K 1V0

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