RCMP investigating recent shootings in the city
2023-11-29 10:58 HNP
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Aux termes de la Loi sur les langues officielles, ce bureau n'offre des services au public qu'en anglais. Vous trouverez des renseignements généraux dans les deux langues officielles au cb.grc.ca et www.grc.ca.
The Dawson Creek RCMP have seen an increase in reports of shots fired throughout the city over the last several weeks, putting the safety of the community at risk.
The RCMP are working diligently to identify those responsible for this increased public risk in order to hold those individuals accountable. Over the next several days the public will see an increase police presence in the city.
Using a three-tiered approach of prevention, intervention and suppression, the CFSEU-BC’s Uniform Gang Enforcement Team (UGET) is in Dawson Creek area to assist investigators in gathering intelligence and other enforcement action. Other support units from around the province have also been called upon to assist.
While these offences are often targeted, innocent citizens have been affected by the blatant disregard for public safety. Investigations to date have established that these appear to be targeted acts, and this type of violence is typically related to drug and gang activities or specific personal disputes.
The Dawson Creek RCMP and North District Senior Leadership are engaged in the protection of the community as public safety is our number one priority
said Assistant District Officer Insp Steve McLeod.
RCMP encourage all community members to report suspicious activity immediately.
Investigations into these incidents are ongoing, and police encourage anyone with information to contact the Dawson Creek RCMP at (250) 784-3700, 9-1-1, or Crime Stoppers 1 800 222-8477.
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Cap. Madonna SaundersonS.-off.-cons. de district (relations avec les médias)
District du Nord
4020, 5e Avenue, Prince George (C.-B.) V2M 7E7
Bureau : 250-561-3166
Cellulaire : 250-301-3521
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