Lillooet RCMP November 10 to November 24 2023, Calls for service: 72


2023-11-25 22:57 HNP

Under the Official Languages Act, this office provides services to the public in English only. You will find general information in both official languages at and

Aux termes de la Loi sur les langues officielles, ce bureau n'offre des services au public qu'en anglais. Vous trouverez des renseignements généraux dans les deux langues officielles au et

Motor vehicle incident


On November 11, 2023 a man reported he had found a person who crashed their vehicle into Duffey Lake. The driver had left the scene to attend Pemberton RCMP detachment. Lillooet RCMP members located the vehicle which was positioned upside down and partially in Duffey Lake, it was taped off with police tape and a tow was arranged. Pemberton RCMP conducted their own investigation on the driver when he attended their office regarding his driving suitability/potential impairment while driving.

Theft of Christmas lights


On November 12, 2023 around 2:30am a woman reported a man in a red hoodie and black vest was taking her Christmas lights off of her retail store on Main St. A Lillooet RCMP member responded and located a man fitting the description in the vicinity who admitted to having the lights in his backpack. He was arrested at the time. The owner was contacted and requested for the lights to be returned and did not seek charges. The man was cautioned and released as per the owners wishes.

Logging accident


On November 14, 2023 BC Ambulance requested police assistance in securing a landing site for there BC Ambulance helicopter, they were to air lift an injured operator from a log loader rollover in Bralorne. Lillooet RCMP attended to assist. Lillooet RCMP gathered information from a witness and investigative pictures were obtained of the location. The injured operator was airlifted to a hospital. There was no further police involvement.

Check well being on hunters


On November 15, 2023 a mother requested a check well being on her son and his two kids who were all hunting in the Lillooet area. She stated she had sent a message (via a satellite communication device) the prior day which went unread; however, the group was to hunt until Friday (November 17, 2023). There was no emergency message relayed, nor was the group overdue on there travels. The woman was advised it was not considered an emergency at the time as the group was yet to leave for several days. Only an hour and a half later, the son had replied to the mother’s message, police were advised everything was fine and the group was to hunt for several more days.



On November 18, 2023 a woman reported her wallet was lost/stolen sometime at night while out dancing at a local bar. She advised there were 3 transactions made on her stolen debit card at a local store in town. Lillooet RCMP conducted their investigation; the store had video footage of the suspect while checking out at the till. The receipts provided to police from the store showed the 3 charges on the debit card which coincided with the time the suspect was checking out at the till. The owner advised she did not wish to go forward with charges but asked for her wallet and ID’s to be returned. With the assistance of Stl’atl’imx Tribal Police the suspect was located and spoken too. The suspect was advised at the time the owner only requested her things back. The suspect advised she would turn them into police, she apologized at the time and stated it was unlike her to do so. The wallet, ID’s, and debit card were turned in to police and subsequently returned to the owner who was very grateful of police and requested no further action.

Suspicious vehicle


On November 19, 2023 a local reported a suspicious pick-up truck stopped in front of an unoccupied residence on Homestead Rd. Lillooet RCMP attended and located the truck and learned the license plate affixed to the truck was not the registered license plate for the truck with ICBC. There was also an outstanding inspection order on the truck for its road safety/suitability. The license plates were seized and the vehicle was towed. A violation ticket was served to the registered owner as well.

Suspicious occurrence


On November 21, 2023 Lillooet RCMP received a report that a door was left open to a residence and it appeared no one was home. Lillooet RCMP attended the residence and announced police presence, to which no response was received. Lillooet RCMP ensured there was no emergency present inside. Lillooet RCMP subsequently got in touch with the owner of the home who apologized stating it must have bounced back open, she was to secure her home.

Unspecified assistance


On November 24, 2023 Lillooet RCMP were asked for assistance with an aggressive patient at the Lillooet Hospital. Lillooet RCMP attended and located the patient, he was calm and apologetic. There were no further public safety concerns.

View of Cayoosh Point mountain peak with a fresh blanket of snow.

View of Cayoosh Point mountain peak with a fresh blanket of snow.

Diffusé par :

Gend. Balraj Saran
Agent des relations avec les médias
GRC de Lillooet-Lytton
317 rue Main, Lillooet BC, V0K 1V0

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