RCMP investigate a home invasion and shots fired
2023-11-02 15:57 HAP
Dossier nº 2023-11609
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Aux termes de la Loi sur les langues officielles, ce bureau n'offre des services au public qu'en anglais. Vous trouverez des renseignements généraux dans les deux langues officielles au cb.grc.ca et www.grc.ca.
On Thursday, November 2, 2023 at 9:11 am, Fort St John RCMP received a report of shots fired at a home on 112th Ave in the city.
The caller stated that at approximately 5:30 am, a popping
sound was heard and then discovered what appeared to be bullet holes in the house. It was also reported that another house in the area also had bullet holes.
The second residence is known to police and it is believed that the shots originated from this home. With this evidence, and for the purpose of preservation of life, police entered the second home where they found four people, none of whom were injured.
The four were detained and police learn that an unknown person forced their way into the home and fired multiple shots.
Video surveillance has been obtained and it shows four individuals leaving in a white pickup truck, immediately following the shots being fired. There has been no evidence found to indicate anyone has been shot.
Two of the four suspects have potentially been identified however it is not known who may have been the intended target.
If you have any information you are asked to call the Fort St John RCMP at (250) 787-8100.
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Cap. Madonna SaundersonS.-off.-cons. de district (relations avec les médias)
District du Nord
4020, 5e Avenue, Prince George (C.-B.) V2M 7E7
Bureau : 250-561-3166
Cellulaire : 250-301-3521
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