Police investigate multiple vehicle purchases using stolen cheques

Dawson Creek

2023-03-27 11:14 HAP

Dossier nº 2023-1658

Under the Official Languages Act, this office provides services to the public in English only. You will find general information in both official languages at bc.rcmp.ca and www.rcmp.ca

Aux termes de la Loi sur les langues officielles, ce bureau n'offre des services au public qu'en anglais. Vous trouverez des renseignements généraux dans les deux langues officielles au cb.grc.ca et www.grc.ca.

The Dawson Creek RCMP have had several reports of cheque fraud in recent weeks and all appear to be related to each other.

Suspects will approach people who are selling their vehicles through private sales listed online, and purchase the vehicle using a cheque. The cheques being used were stolen from a local business with a Dawson Creek address. All stolen cheques used have bounced, leaving the victim without their vehicle and payment.

Several stolen cheques and stubs have been recovered throughout multiple police investigations, however stolen cheques are still outstanding. Only accept cheques from those you know and trust.

To find out more information on frauds, how to report and keep yourself safe, visit the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre

If you have any information on this you are asked to call the Dawson Creek RCMP at (250)-784-3700. 


Diffusé par :

Cap. Madonna Saunderson
S.-off.-cons. de district (relations avec les médias)
District du Nord
4020, 5e Avenue, Prince George (C.-B.) V2M 7E7
Bureau : 250-561-3166
Cellulaire : 250-301-3521

Courriel : madonna.saunderson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca

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