Quadra RCMP weekly report February 28th - March 5th
2023-03-03 08:55 HNP
Under the Official Languages Act, this office provides services to the public in English only. You will find general information in both official languages at bc.rcmp.ca and www.rcmp.ca
Aux termes de la Loi sur les langues officielles, ce bureau n'offre des services au public qu'en anglais. Vous trouverez des renseignements généraux dans les deux langues officielles au cb.grc.ca et www.grc.ca.
Files of note
Abandoned 911
In the early morning hours of February 28th, Quadra RCMP received a dropped 911 from a landline at a local business. Callbacks to the number resulted in a busy signal. Officers attended and confirmed with an employee on site that the incident was false and there may be an issue with their phone line.
Motor vehicle accident
On March 1st, a driver contacted the RCMP advising he had just crashed his truck into a tree after swerving to avoid an on-coming vehicle on Hyacinthe Road near Heriot Bay. The driver stated he was driving Northbound on Hyacinthe Road when he spotted a large branch on the road and drove into the center lane to avoid it. While avoiding the branch, another vehicle was coming Southbound causing the original driver to drive off the road into a tree. The complainant/driver was very cooperative with police (which is not surprising as he called in the incident) and showed no signs of impairment. Thankfully, nobody involved was injured.
No insurance
On March 1st, Quadra members were proactively patrolling on Cortes Island when they located a vehicle with invalid insurance. The officers pulled the vehicle over and the driver, who was not the owner, admitted he knew the vehicle was not insured. The Quadra RCMP would like to remind the public that failure to insure your vehicle is a fine of $598.00 under section 24((3)(b) of the Motor Vehicle Act.
Another motor vehicle accident
On March 2nd, Quadra RCMP received a report of a single vehicle accident on Cape Mudge Road just South of Noble Road. The vehicle was located off the road and into a tree. The occupant(s) had since left without contacting police. Officers located the parties involved who claimed to have swerved off the road to avoid a deer. Officers believed the driver had left the vehicle without calling police because they didn't have a license and didn't want to get yet another ticket for this offence. On a positive note, the driver (and the person claiming to be the driver) were both unharmed.
Unsafe driver
On March 3rd, a concerned complainant reported an ongoing erratic driver on Cortes Island. The complainant was stopped at a stop sign at Gorge Harbour Road when another drive overpassed him and blew through the stop sign to the ferry. When the complainant confronted the unsafe driver, they responded that they needed to get to the ferries for medical appointments. The driver failed to realize that their unsafe driving practices could hinder their ability to make it to those important medical appointments should they get into an accident. Checks on the driver showed previous similar traffic complaints. Multiple tickets are to be issued to the driver.
Speed watch looking for volunteers
Quadra RCMP have received an increase of traffic complaints, notably speeding near and on Green road near the Ferry terminal. While the officers are increasing our patrols, we also rely on the Quadra speed watch program to help nab speedy drivers. This important section is currently looking for volunteers. If you are interested, please contact Judy Hagen at hagen.quadra@gmail.com for more information.
Diffusé par :
Gend. Rebekah DrahtAgente des relations avec les médias
GRC de Quadra Island
Bureau : 250-285-3631
Télécopieur : 250-285-2053
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