Increased patrols in the downtown core of Maple Ridge

Ridge Meadows

2024-01-10 14:36 HNP

Dossier nº Public Advisory

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Aux termes de la Loi sur les langues officielles, ce bureau n'offre des services au public qu'en anglais. Vous trouverez des renseignements généraux dans les deux langues officielles au et

Maple Ridge B.C. – Ridge Meadows RCMP is taking action against a slight uptick in break and enters and thefts in the downtown core.

Over the course of the last month there has been a rise in break and enters and thefts from businesses in the downtown core of Maple Ridge and the Ridge Meadows RCMP is taking steps to rectify this.

Ridge Meadows RCMP crime analysts have been examining crime trends which will ensure that Police resources are being utilized and allocated effectively. Police will be increasing overt patrols in the downtown core to directly deal with any concerns.

Ridge Meadows Crime Reduction Unit and Street Enforcement Units will be utilizing the crime data to develop targeted strategies to deter the criminality occurring in the downtown core and hold those committing these crimes accountable for their actions.

Ridge Meadows Crime Prevention Unit will be enlisting the support of volunteers and Integrated Safety Ambassador Team (ISAT) patrols will be increasing with a strong focus on the downtown core and increasing further engagement with the businesses that have been affected.

"This is a priority for the detachment and something that we take very seriously’" stated Inspector Martin Guay. "We will be out there ensuring the safety of the people and businesses operating in the City of Maple Ridge."

Diffusé par :

Cap. Julie Klaussner
Agente des relations avec les médias
GRC de Ridge Meadows
11990, place Haney, Maple Ridge (C.-B.) V2X 9B8
Bureau : 604-467-7647

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