Vehicles targeted in mischief spree – youth arrested


2024-02-26 12:17 HNP

Dossier nº 2024-2132

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Aux termes de la Loi sur les langues officielles, ce bureau n'offre des services au public qu'en anglais. Vous trouverez des renseignements généraux dans les deux langues officielles au et

Vehicle owners from Dunsmuir Avenue all the way up to Bannister Drive (north of Cherry Avenue) were targeted in a series of mischief incidents that occurred between February 20-23. Around a dozen vehicles were keyed, others had their tires slashed, one was set on fire, and another was doused in gasoline. All incidents occurred during the overnight hours, and most of the mischief incidents were not noticed until the following day.

Around 1:30 am on February 23, Mission RCMP responded to some garbage and a wooden newspaper box that had been set on fire in the 8500 block of Bannister Drive, then at 3:30 am, a male was seen trying to break into some mailboxes at the same location. A quick-thinking resident took a photo of the male breaking into the mailboxes, and officers located the offender – a 17-year-old youth – nearby. The youth resisted arrest, then tried to damage a police car once in custody. Items including a screwdriver and a knife were found in his possession.

The investigation into the spree of mischief is still ongoing, and it has not yet been confirmed whether the same youth is responsible for all of the recent damage in the area. Residents in the areas of Dunsmuir Street north of 13th Avenue, Balsam Avenue, Knight Avenue, Forbes Street, and Bannister Drive are asked to check their CCTV footage for the nights of February 20-23, and contact Mission RCMP if any suspicious persons or vehicles are seen during the overnight hours. Anyone who experienced mischief and has not yet reported it should call 604-826-7161. Mission RCMP will continue increased patrols at night in the affected areas to help deter any further issues.

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Agent des relations avec les médias
GRC de Mission
7171, rue Oliver, Mission (C.-B.) V2V 6H2
Bureau : 604-826-7161
Télécopieur : 604-820-3548

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