BC RCMP welcomes next troop of Experienced Police officers


2023-05-12 11:18 PDT

Twenty experienced police officers have joined the RCMP family after having started their careers with other police forces from across the country.

rows of RCMP badges on a table

On Thursday, May 11, the BC RCMP held a swearing-in ceremony, to welcome twenty new Experienced Police Officers to the force. Fifteen of the new officers were sworn in by BC RCMP Commanding Officer, Deputy Commissioner Dwayne McDonald and Human Resources Officer, Chief Superintendent Mark Lepage. Five officers were unable to attend the ceremony in person and completed their swearing in virtually.

Graduates of the second 2023 EPO troop will be assigned to:

The newly hired officers bring with them a wealth of policing knowledge, skill and experience, says Deputy Commissioner, Dwayne McDonald, Commanding Officer of the BC RCMP. Today’s swearing ceremony represents the beginning of the next chapter of their policing careers. I am excited to see them in their new roles here in B.C.

 officers standing to take their police officer’s oath

Next month, the troop of Experienced Police Officers will attend a three-week training course at the Pacific Region Training Centre in Chilliwack, BC. The training will cover RCMP interviewing techniques, policy and procedures and tactical training. The officers will begin their first posts upon completion of the training.

Applications for Experienced Police Officers are accepted throughout the year and there is no deadline to apply. There are over 150 career specializations and detachments all across Canada. Postings for Experienced Police Officers are based on an officer’s interest, career goals and previous police experience.

To be eligible for the Experienced Police Officer Program in British Columbia you must:

If you are looking for more opportunity and career advancement, reach out to Ediv_EPOprogram@rcmp-grc.gc.ca or 778-290-3456 for more information.

police officer signing employment documents  police officer signing employment documents

police officer signing employment documents  police officer signing employment documents  

For more detailed information regarding the EPO program and other career opportunities with the RCMP, visit the BC RCMP Careers webpage.

Released by:

BC RCMP Recruiting

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