BC Highway Patrol charges motorist with dangerous driving

Island District, Road Safety Unit, BC Highway Patrol

2023-05-11 15:59 PDT

File # BCHP CRD-IRSU 2023-717

On April 27, 2023 at approximately 8:30pm, a member of BC Highway Patrol – Capital Regional District – Integrated Road Safety Unit (BCHP-CRD-IRSU) was conducting speed enforcement on Sooke Rd near the entrance to Sooke Hills Wilderness Park in Metchosin, BC. The officer observed a newer model Ford Mustang overtaking multiple vehicles and established that the vehicle was traveling at 163 km/h, over double the speed limit in this posted 80 km/h zone. The officer stopped the vehicle and arrested the driver; a local man in his 40’s, for dangerous driving under the Criminal Code of Canada. The driver of vehicle is known to police, having had prior convictions for both impaired driving and dangerous driving offences. The vehicle of the driver was also impounded.

Passenger-side view of grey Ford Mustang car hooked up to the back of a tow truck.

Staff Sergeant Adam Tallboy, Acting OIC of BCHP Vancouver Island said The manner in which this vehicle was being driven was inherently dangerous. There are homes and bus stops within close proximity to the highway, as well as fellow motorists who are trying to get to their destinations safely.

As we move forward through the month of May which is High Risk Driving Awareness month in British Columbia, Police agencies across the Province are stepping up enforcement of high-risk driving behaviours. BC Highway Patrol would like to remind motorists to drive defensively, slow down, and obey the posted speed limits. Click link to learn more.

BC Highway Patrol

Released by:

Cpl. Mike Moore
Media Relations Officer
BC Highway Patrol
Office: 604 526-9744

Email: bchp_media@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
Website: bc-cb.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/highway-patrol

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