Seasonal Safety Tips


2024-12-16 09:45 PST

We’re offering these tips to help your holidays stay safe and crime-free.

Shopping in Person


Whether your celebrations include a larger gathering or just with your household, ensure you plan ahead for a safe ride home. Drinking and driving is not an option.

Struggling with the Holidays?

The holiday season can be overwhelming and extremely stressful for some. We understand the holidays are not necessarily enjoyed by everyone and can include struggles with loneliness, depression and worry. Keep an eye out for each other and check in on your loved ones.

If you are finding it difficult getting through the holidays, you are not alone. Here are some resources that can help you through challenging times (these will have links embedded:

Suicide Hotline – call 1-800-SUICIDE

Crisis Centre

Youth in BC– support and information for anyone under 35

Family Services


Salvation Army

 Cartoon photo of Santa and Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer standing in front of police truck on skis and Christmas tree and presents in the background

Released by:

Ryan Sencar
Kelowna RCMP
1190 Richter St, Kelowna, British Columbia V1Y 6V7


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