Update- BC RCMP’s Northern Recruiting Initiative

B.C., Recruiting Unit

2024-08-15 11:28 PDT

Due to the overwhelming interest in the Northern BC RCMP Recruiting Initiative, this opportunity is being paused as we work with the first cohort of interested applicants.

Please keep your eyes open for future opportunities within BC’s North District.

The BC RCMP provides policing services to a number of rural, coastal and urban communities.
North District is home to numerous limited duration and isolated posts. These are more remote areas with fixed contracts that allow officers to either remain in the communities for an extension or apply to specialized units or other communities to gain more experience in their careers.

 RCMP officer in red serge standing in grass facing a large body of water and mountains

View larger image: RCMP officer in red serge standing in grass facing a large body of water and mountains.

The below list of North District postings are broken into categories based on contract lengths or time a member is posted to serve with that detachment.

Non-limited duration:

Four-year postings:

The communities listed below also have the added benefit for government owned housing available to RCMP officers posted to these communities.

Two-year postings:

Three-year postings:

Four-year postings:

RCMP Pick up truck parked on a snowy road with snow-capped mountains in the background.

View larger image: RCMP Pick up truck parked on a snowy road with snow-capped mountains in the background.

If you have questions about our North District, please contact us at bcrcmp_recruiting@rcmp-grc.gc.ca or 778-290-3430.

Released by:

Cst. Jenna Moore
Media Relations Officer
BC RCMP Recruiting
14200 Green Timbers Way, Mailstop 1109, Surrey, BC V3T 6P3
Office: 778-290-4418
Fax: 778-290-6160

Email: jenna.moore@rcmp-grc.gc.ca

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