Education and enforcement for speedy drivers in Mission


2024-05-16 08:17 HAP

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Photo of police officers standing in front of police cars and a police motorcycle

Click here for large photo of police officers standing in front of police cars and a police motorcycle

May is Speed Awareness Month in British Columbia, so police in Mission have been giving extra attention to those paying little attention to the speed limits around town.

Last week, officers from Mission RCMP’s Traffic Services, the Canadian Pacific Kansas City railway police, and support agents from ICBC partnered to monitor speeds and provide education and enforcement to drivers coming into Mission over the Mission Bridge. Despite the wet roads on a rainy Tuesday morning, several drivers chose not to follow the 80 km/hr speed limit, and officers recorded speeds of six vehicles travelling between 123 km/hr and 134 km/hr. Those drivers each earned a $368 ticket, and turned over custody of their vehicles to an impound lot for 7 days. Numerous other speedy drivers received lesser violations for travelling at speeds of up to 120 km/hr.

Constable Reid Trustham with Mission RCMP’s Traffic Services highlights the dangers of excessive speeding: Nearly a third of fatal crashes in the province are related to speeding. That’s a preventable statistic, and is why our team is out there helping to make our roads safer. We’re hoping that this serves as a reminder to everyone to slow down and drive safe. For those who need more than a gentle reminder – there is a tow truck waiting.

Mission RCMP will continue to conduct increased targeted speed enforcement throughout the month of May, with some officers setting their alarm clocks just a little bit earlier to ensure that even early morning commuters are travelling safely through our community.

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Agent des relations avec les médias
GRC de Mission
7171, rue Oliver, Mission (C.-B.) V2V 6H2
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