Road Safety Unit highlights key traffic safety outcomes for the month of March

2024-04-15 07:30 PDT

In our continuous commitment to the safety of our streets, Richmond RCMP’s Road Safety Unit (RSU) has compiled its traffic violation and collision statistics for March 2024, emphasizing our resolve to keep our community safe.

During the month of March, officers issued a total of 939 traffic violation tickets, underscoring a rigorous effort to address unsafe driving behaviours. This number included 207 tickets for speeding, reflecting persistent effort to remind drivers of the importance of adhering to posted speed limits.

A total of 168 violation tickets were issued for Driver Licence infractions. Richmond RCMP’s strategy incorporates advanced technology to effectively pinpoint and address traffic violations, significantly enhancing our road safety measures and assisting in capturing violations related to no insurance and no license.

In the fight against distracted driving—a behaviour that is both dangerous and preventable—168 tickets were issued. Officers also continued their vigilant work against impaired driving, issuing 23 tickets as part of our zero-tolerance approach.

photo of an RCMP officer operating breathalyzer equipment roadside

The RSU identified high volume collision areas for March, drawing attention to locations requiring additional attention from our road users:

- No. 1 Road & Francis Road
- No. 4 Road & Cambie Road
- No. 3. Road & Granville Avenue

Officers will continue to monitor these areas closely and take necessary enforcement actions.

Sergeant Eric Baskette of Richmond RCMP Road Safety Units says of the ongoing commitment, As we transition into spring, it’s vital for drivers to maintain vigilance. Adjusting to the changing conditions and staying attentive behind the wheel can significantly impact our collective safety.

March had been designated by the BC Chiefs of Police and ICBC as Distracted Driving Awareness & Enforcement month, and the RSU has participated in several operations aimed at reducing these violations. Educational campaigns have been launched in partnership with community stakeholders to enhance awareness and promote driver responsibility year-round.

The RSU thanks the Richmond community for their cooperation and reminds everyone to drive with care. By working together and remaining committed to safe driving practices, we can reduce traffic-related incidents and ensure the well-being of all who travel our roads.

Released by:

Richmond RCMP
11411 No 5 Road, Richmond, BC, V7A 4E8
Office: 604-207-5189
Fax: 604-207-4716


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